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In order to remain consistent with our mission and to remain responsible stewards of donor funding, we only provide weighted memory bears in honor of babies that have passed away. Requests for weighted memory bears as mementos for living babies will not be processed.

Some bereaved mothers report that they physically ache to hold their baby. For this reason, No Footprint Too Small offers weighted memory bears to serve as a therapeutic tool. Our weighted memory bears can provide mothers not only a meaningful gift in memory of their baby, but a gift that has the potential to offer the mother comfort and healing.
Our weighted memory bears can be made out of sentimental material such as a onesie, baby blanket, or other special material provided by the family. NFTS is also more than happy to provide the material if one is not provided.
Each bear is filled with either sand or rice to weigh the exact birth weight of the baby. The baby's name, birth date, and birth weight is then embroidered on a heart that is sewn onto the bear's belly.

"Braxton's weighted bear gives me a sense of hope on the days that feel hopeless. Honestly, without it I'm not too sure I would be in the place I'm at now. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not saying all the pain is gone, but on the worst of days, our bear, made from Braxton's onesie, is the light at the end of a very dark tunnel."

"I don't really know what to say about the bear... It is a comfort when I am really missing Brielle. When I want to dedicate time to thinking of Brielle, I usually spend that time holding the bear and thinking of her."